Our partners
The Iranian Syndicate of consulting Architects and Planners (SCAPIRAN) is proud to work with a number of carefully selected organizations that provide reputable products and services relevant to professional firms operating within built and city planning. We're pleased to be able to link you to their products and services and would like to thank each one of them for their generous support and ongoing contribution to the industry. They have enabled us to provide our member firms with the services and events we deliver throughout the year.
For more information on our current partners, click on the relevant tabs
If you’re interested in becoming a partner of Scapiran and having your logo and a dedicated page on this website and BON quarterly, please contact :
Ms.Shake’ Mina:Director of Administration
Tel+98 21 88535055-6 +98 21 88756433 Fax+98 21 88730370 or Email: scapiran1385 @ gmail.com