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Our partners
The Iranian Syndicate of consulting Architects and Planners (SCAPIRAN) is proud to work with a number of carefully selected organizations that provide reputable products and services relevant to professional firms operating within built and city planning. We're pleased to be able to link you to their products and services and would like to thank each one of them for their generous support and ongoing contribution to the industry. They have enabled us to provide our member firms with the services and events we deliver throughout the year.
For more information on our current partners, click on the relevant tabs
If you’re interested in becoming a partner of Scapiran and having your logo and a dedicated page on this website and BON quarterly, please contact :
Ms.Shake’ Mina:Director of Administration
Tel+98 21 88535055-6 +98 21 88756433 Fax+98 21 88730370 or Email: scapiran1385 @ gmail.com
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Iranian Artists' Forum meetings
Critical discourses on architecture and urban planning
Discourses on architecture and urban planning, began mid. May.2006 with cooperation of architecture and urban planning committees of ISCE and ISCAP and its’ 170th session continued under the title "Voice of Missing Nostalgia": an architectural discourse about "space designing influenced by modern music". During this time, these two professional organizations have been partners and the main organizers of meetings. Our special thanks to the council of management of ISCE as well as Tehran Observer Group and also to professional publishers for their generous accompaniment.
Purpose of Meetings
The purpose of meetings is to present design ideas and new movements in architecture, urban design, landscape design, urban and environmental planning, urban sociology, and urban economy, also presenting documentaries about urban issues. As the relationship between architecture and other artistic movements have less opportunity to be reflected In the professional sphere and the mass media ,Part of meetings’ time is devoted to issues raised and expression of ideas and criticisms of attendees :the most pleasant parts of the meetings.
Our Partners
The presence and collaboration of clients is not only welcomed, but we have had requested their participation in discourses. Several meetings planned about the review of the planning strategies of Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning, projects of Urban Development and Revitalization Office of ministry, Cultural Heritage Organization, Planning and Management Organization, Tehran Municipality and other Executive agencies and professional bodies.
Sessions devoted to these topics have been extremely successful in creating more understanding between clients and consultant bodies. We believe that this kind of civil discourse can create public awareness of developments in a wide range of professionals, and enthusiasts to urban development issues and sustainable development. We tried to attract students and university professors to introduce new ideas about sustainability and responsible citizens.
We need accompaniment of our colleagues and interested bodies to offer new ideas about sustainable urban development, protection of ecosystems, cultural heritage and identity of our homeland Iran.
Our special thanks to the management of Iranian Artists Forum for providing all facilities for the formation of these meetings. Also accompaniment and collaboration of many interested bodies is highly appreciated for providing free professional and dynamic ideas and actions. Those who care about a better future for our homeland Iran.
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BON Quarterly
BON Quarterly: The official Organ of: The Iranian Syndicate of consulting Architects and Planners
The first edition of Bon; Quarterly Journal of syndicate with English supplementary, was published with the effort of the first editorial board in March 1995 and has reach 105 editions till autumn 2016.
Monthly online newsletter in Persian language. First published May 1997 paper print and continued online from September 2015.
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Contact Us
Iranian Syndicate of Consulting Architects and Planners
contact details:
Central Office: No 18 12th St. Pakistan St . Tehran
Postal Code 1531743614 www.scapiran.com scap1385 @gmail.com
Tel +98 21 88535055-6 +98 21 88756433 Fax +98 21 88730370
Director of Administration:
Membership, communications and events Ms. Shake' Mina
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Memorandum of Understanding
The syndicate of Consulting Architects & Planners is in close collaboration with a number of societies mainly active in the field of architecture, urban planning engineering, law and administration.
Iranian Society of
Consulting Engineers
Iranian Society of Consulting Engineers, is a national, cultural, technical, professional association, independents of all political parties and groups, consisting of 850 consulting firms in 23 specialized groups as follow:
Technical inspection, Port terminals, Energy efficiency, Mechanical and electrical engineering, Municipal infrastructure engineering, Traffic and transportation, Oil and gas pipelines, Road &railway, Geotechnical and strength of materials, Structural engineering, Dam engineering, Urban planning, Industrial Engineering, Interior Design, Airports, Agriculture and animal husbandry, Management systems, and social and economic studies, Mining and geology, architecture, Oil, gas and petrochemical engineering, Water resources, Surveying, Energy. For more information about the Iranian Society of Consulting Engineers,(ISCE) Click Here
Coordinating Council of Engineering, Corporative and
professional associations of Iran
The aims of Coordinating Council of Engineering, Corporative and professional associations of Iran is Strengthening and development of the independent status of engineering, corporative and professional associations, with the aim of a sustainable development, and preserving national interests, in a worldwide scope. . For more information about the Coordinating Council of Engineering, Corporative and professional associations `of Iran Click Here
Iran Confederation of Employers’
Associations (ICEA)
The aims of ICEA are as follows
To protect and defend the rights and safeguard the legitimate and statutory interests of employers association and all state entrepreneurs, to coordinate the efforts and those activities related to industries and professions, to motivate and support the productive investments, provide ideal grounds for cooperation, exchange of views and transfer of technology and related experiences in order to obtain sustainable development in the country. For more information about the Iran Confederation of Employers’ Associations (ICEA) Click Here